I met so many wonderful NEW friends. I saw Jen Jones from Hello Literacy! I listened to her presentation full of tips and tricks and insightfulness! And I sat next to THE AMY from TpT! She asked to see a picture of my triplets! THE AMY! OMG! She is like a celebrity to me. She is an amazing person who is there for us teachers! Just awesome!
So after leaving my home with my husband and kids at the eye opening hour of 5am, we made it to my college town of Binghamton, NY by 9:30. Just in time for some breakfast and to take in the beautiful room with the amazing donations, teacher grab bag table, fun props, and fabulous people. Check out the swag I got in my swag bag! So much fun!
Do you see that picture in the upper left and lower right and corners? Those are the donations that came from so many wonderful TpT sellers! Everyone was a winner too! I was one of the 1st six people called! I was so excited! I ran like I was on a game show to the seriously generous gift card for $100 to Teaching in the Tongas clipart store! Um, yes, you read that right. I won $100 of the best clipart! I was able to choose the sets I wanted and I have so many! I am so thankful to Jen for this super awesome prize that I was lucky enough to win!
Thank you to the ladies who helped organize such a fulfilling day! They are listed on the poster above. They were so kind and helpful. They planned everything out to a tee. We had the opportunity to participate in round tables which addressed many important TpT topics. I took pages of notes! The ideas, tips, and strategies were priceless!
Check the beautiful group above! What a day to remember! Thank you to all the talented people that organized the event! Thank to all the generous people that donated to the event! Thank you to my hubby for driving me and to my girls who left mommy go to “A teachers pay teachers meeting ALL DAY” haha! Love them all!