February 3, 2016

February Pick 3

It’s time for my favorite link up! February’s Pinterest Pick 3. Check out the great finds I found! Clicking on each picture will lead you to the original site!


How adorable are these gum ball machines? They are so stinkin’ cute. Sadly, I don’t think I could make them! I do not know where to get that round bottle from for the top. My sister who lives on the west coast said they are easy to get. On the east coast, not so much. I think this little project would cost me a lot of money to make for a class of 18. That is A LOT of gum balls! I could make them for my own girls but I don’t let them chew gum. I still think they are precious to look at!

Um, hello, yes, please! I want to eat you up! Cincyshopper has this cool dip paired with chocolate graham crackers! Just 4 ingredients! I can handle that! Marshmallow creme (is that the same as marshmallow fluff? hmmm), cream cheese, cool whip, and cherry pie filling. 

Totally making these for my sweet firsties this year! I just have to find those single packs! Super cute and easy! Thank you My Name is Snickerdoodle!

Check out all the great February ideas linked up below. See you next month for the March link up!

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  1. The gumball machines were one of my top pins, too. Love this! Thanks for linking up!!

  2. Oh man! That Cherry Cheesecake looks just yummy! And yes Marshmallow creme is the same as marshmallow fluff!
    Second In Line

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the gumball machines!!!! Great idea!! Thanks!

  4. My husband would drool over that cherry cheesecake dip! Snagging that recipe...saving it for brownie points!! ;)
    Owls and Lessons, Etc.

    1. My husband keeps asking me when I am going to make it! I showed it to him and he hasn’t forgotten!

  5. That dip looks amazing. Pinning that right NOW!

  6. Love the gumball machines. And LOVE the Coke bottles they are made of. I have never seen them in Michigan, either... though you know I'm looking now :) Thanks for post! Kathleen

  7. Love the gumball machines. And LOVE the Coke bottles they are made of. I have never seen them in Michigan, either... though you know I'm looking now :) Thanks for post! Kathleen

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