February 5, 2016

Currently February!

Hello friends! I’ve linked up with Farley at

to share my favorite kind of blogpost - CURRENTLY!
You can head over to Farley’s blog by clicking the pic above. There you will find tons of great bloggers who also linked up for this monthly treat! 

So I figure most readers would want to know what school bag I just bought. Here it is! LeSportSac. Don’t ask me if it is a good bag for school. I don’t know. I just wanted it. It was an impulse buy (and it was on sale and what else do you do on a snow day but buy stuff online, obsess that you have too much to do, and play in the snow with your kiddos)?

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  1. I want to have a snow day because I love lazy days on the couch, but I don't want to give up that snow make up day we have in March.

    Enjoy your snow!

    The Georgia Peach Teacher

  2. I would love a snow day! It is the perfect time of year for a snow day too! That bag is super cute...hope it's what you expected once it arrives!

  3. I love the new teacher bag! It is so pretty! Online shopping is my downfall since it is so quick and easy!
