July 31, 2016

Back to School TpT Sale - Win a $10 Giftcard

Sweet friends, It is that time of year that many of you have been anxiously waiting for! The TpT site wide sale is here!! 

Happening Monday, August 1st and Tuesday, August 2nd. Are you excited? Is your shopping cart busting at the seems? Well, I can help with that!

Enter below for your chance to win a $10 TpT gift card! 

The contest ends tomorrow so you can use the money towards your purchases on THIS SALE! Hurry and enter for our chance to win! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I still have a month of vacation left! But I'll probably go into my room to clean up my books!

  3. I'm starting school tomorrow!!! Aahh! I'm almost ready (painted, moved things into my new room, printed, laminated, cut, etc.), but there's never enough time to be truly ready!

  4. I'm going in starting tomorrow to get the room set up.

  5. I am printing and laminating my centers by the month/theme. Have the best year ever!

  6. Trying to get my room set-up over the next week. I had to pack it all up due to them removing the ceilings...so I feel like I'm starting all over! :(


  7. I will be going in next week to get my room ready for our open house.

  8. Made a trip to Ikea to stock up!
