May 3, 2016

MAY - Pinterest Pick 3

Welcome to my favorite way to start each month - Pinterest Pick 3! 

The minute I saw this on Pinterest, I sent it to my sister in Washington state because I knew she would try it with her class. Of course she fell in love immediately and caught the itch. You know that itch? The one that has you grabbing your keys to get to Michaels ASAP so you can try a Pinterest pin? Yup, that’s the itch!! And my sister caught it...just like me! I am happy to report that she cooked hers in the oven and reported NO terrible smell at all. We were really worried about the fumes. The original post says you could also cook them in a toaster oven! A reader reported that he cooked them down on the barbecue! I am all over that! I will be making these with my crafty daughters very soon!

Need a cute treat for the end of the year party? How about that summer barbecue that is coming soon? Then pin this adorable treat! How cute! I have actually seen those mini ice cream cones at Walmart last year but I think it was closer to summer time. I  will have to keep my eye out for them. The small ones use a regular marshmallow. The regular sized ice cream cones need the jumbo marshmallows. Perfect for the marshmallow lover!

I had to throw in a Mother’s Day craft idea! I feel like I switch things up every year. I wish I had a standard gift to give but I constantly find new and cute things to make on pinterest! Here is an adorable thumb print necklace from Lory at Lory’s Second Grade Skills. She includes the super cute poem on her site as a free download. The clay that she used needs to be baked. I am wondering if I can use the Crayola air dry modeling clay because I don’t want to carry these delicate beauties back and forth to school to bake them. I have made necklaces with the air dry clay before and they came out great so I am going to try it this year. I love the metallic paint that she used. I found out that it comes in....metallic pink...squeal. I’m off to Michael’s to gather up these simple supplies! 

Check out more fabulous Pinterest finds below!

An InLinkz Link-up

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  1. What a precious gift idea for Mother's Day! Thanks for sharing such great ideas and linking up!

  2. Window art is the best. And I love the necklace, which in metallic pink, would be fabulous! See you around. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  3. Window art is the best. And I love the necklace, which in metallic pink, would be fabulous! See you around. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  4. I love the heart necklace idea- the moms would love them! And the marshmallow ice cream cones are so cute! I've never seen mini ones before. I will have to be on the lookout for them too! Thank you for sharing your pins! :)

    1. I’ve bought the mini ones and they didn’t trick my girls! They are a lot smaller than the regular cones! Haha! Super cute though!
      Triple the Love In Grade 1

  5. My 8 year old self would have been all over those suncatchers! What a fun idea!

  6. The melted beads suncatcher looks like so much fun!

  7. I am always switching up my Mother's Day craft idea each year as well too. I love your newest idea. The necklaces are adorable!

    1. We made the necklaces and the material will surely last for next year too! They came out awesome! Thanks for stopping by!
