December 3, 2015

Pinterest Pick 3 December

How cute are these melting snowman cookies? The recipe from calls for cookie icing for the melting snow that is spread onto of the cookie. I had to look up how to make cookie icing - I had no idea even it you buy it or make it! You make it and it seems simple enough. The recipe calls for 1 cup powdered sugar, 2-3 teaspoons milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla. I can do that. I would also just use the place and back sugar cookies to make things easier of me!

I want to make these so bad! I think they are so cool! I found this pin from hello and the directions seem easy enough. Just have to use metal cookie cutters for the shape and watch them in a 350 degree oven for 3-6 minutes. Reminds me of shrinky dinks! Love!

I found these sweet ornaments on I feel like I have TONS of pretty ribbon hanging around and now I have a use for it!

Click on the pictures open to head to the website for more information on these great December Pinterest finds! 

Check out other great blogs for more great links!

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  1. LOVE these! I've seen the ribbon trees but not on a stand...I may have to do that with my kiddos. Last year one of my moms made the snowman cookies and they were precious. Thank you for linking up with us, Michele! xoxo

  2. I keep seeing those peppermint ornaments and I want to make them too! Not only do they look easy but I can only imagine how wonderful my house would smell afterwards:)

  3. Those candy ornaments look pretty awesome! I might make them for home.

  4. Oh my cuteness!!! I love all three of your pins! I don't know which one is my favorite! Thank you so much for sharing these!
