July 16, 2014

Back 2 School Weekly Linky - Week 1

This week I've linked up with Mrs. D's Corner and Miss V's Busy Bees to blog about Behavior Management. To give you some insight into what works in my classroom.

Let me start off by saying that each and every school year is different for me. Some group of students need more and some need less. Some need tangible, some need praise, some need consequences. On the first day, I of course have a plan in mind. I happily implement it. Give the kids the low down. Make sure they know what happens if they break a rule. 

I have used EVERYTHING out there with the clip system being the most recent. 

But just this past spring, I learned about an UH-MAZ-ING new resource called CLASS DOJO. After spring break, I introduced it to my class to test it out. Give it a go. See if I could keep up with it. See if the students responded to it. And the answer is YES YES YES! And the best part - it is FREE!

Below is a short clip from their site www.classdojo.com. It explains things better than I can! 

So after watching the video, I set up my class in all of 5 minutes. The kiddos were excited over their little avatars! You can't pick who gets what - you get what you get and you don't get upset - yup said it AGAIN!

Check out the low down below!

I will be using Class Dojo in September! I'm excited! Please note that this is a review. I am not affiliated with Class Dojo at all. I was not asked to review their site. With that said, go check it out! Play around. You will be delighted!

Check out the blog schedule from Mrs. D's Corner and Miss V's Busy Bees! Exciting!

Thank you again to Mrs. D and Miss V. for this great link up! Head on back for more great classroom management resources! Click on the link below!

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  1. Loved reading your post! I've never used Class Dojo, only heard about it through the grapevine. I'm super interested in it now... especially because it's free! Teachers love free!! I really like how the parents can log in and check on their kiddos. Parent involvement is so important! I have about a month before I go back to school and about 6 weeks before the kids come back, so I have plenty of time to do some research :)

    Thanks for sharing all about Class Dojo and for linking up with us! See you next week!


    1. Thank you Stephanie! Thank you for creating this great link up for teachers to share! Looking forward to contributing in the weeks ahead!

  2. I discovered Class Dojo last year and love it too! My favorite part is not having to say a word to my class but having that little "ding!" do all the work!

    Forever in Fifth Grade

    1. How great is that ding?!?! I know exactly what you mean! When the negative chimes goes off, the "whompwhomp" it says so much without me having to say a thing! Love how Class Dojo is so successful with students across the grades! From grades 1 to 5 it works!

  3. Hey friend! Thank you so much for linking up with us this week :) I've read several posts now on ClassDojo and clearly, it's something I need to be using!! I also love, like Stephanie said, that it's FREE. What's better than free?!

    I love that the students get the opportunity to "raise their score" in various ways even if they're in the negatives. It's all about positive reinforcement which is great!

    Thank you so much for sharing your behavior management techniques - hope to see you next week when we discuss our assessment strategies! :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees

    1. Thanks Sara for designing this linky party with so many wonderful ways to help and inform others! I hope to link up again!

  4. Love that we both went the Class Dojo route with behavior management-it is wonderful! I am also loving your "Why I love Class Dojo" image...all of your reasons I couldn't agree more with! Glad I found your blog through this linky!

    Learning to the Core

    1. Thanks Amanda! Having many teachers testify to the benefits of this behavior management tool speaks volumes!

  5. Are you planning on using this with your clip chart or in place of it? I'm still very undecided about using a clip chart. I've used Class Dojo in 4th grade at know that it can work wonders with students and it really helps motivate them. I'm thinking this may be an easier way for me to track behavior and communicate with parents now that I'll be teaching 1st.
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

    1. Hi Courtney! I am not planning on using the clipart in addition to Class Dojo, I feel that the visual of Class Dojo replaces the need for the clip chart. I keep the screen up and open most of the day for the students to see. I know some teachers like the idea of children moving their own clip. I can have students add or take points with the mouse! Hmm, there's a new idea! Good luck with implementing Class Dojo in your classroom! Have a great school year!
