May 3, 2015

Pick 3 - May

I love these sooooo much! I showed this to my first graders and they loved them too! So we are totally making them for Mother’s Day! I made a sample and it came out pretty good! I used an opened paper clip to roll the strip around and then slipped it out. I think I might get wood bbq screwers and wrap them in floral tape for the stem. The paper I tried made the poppies flop. My goal is to post pics of the one we make with some tips on how to make it easier for the littles to do!

I have made this for Mother’s Day before! Super easy and cheap! Came out beautiful! Washers bought from Home Depot, scrapbook paper and ribbon from Michaels. 

Yup, I’ve done this one too! Love it as well! 
I love crafts! I love Mother’s Day! I hope you enjoyed my Pick 3 for May! See you in June! 

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  1. Oh, I love all your gift ideas! 'Tis the Season :) Off to get washers... Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom

  2. Thanks for the Mother's Day ideas; they are so cute!

  3. Those flowers are beautiful! Great Mother's Day ideas! Thank you so much for linking up and sharing! :)
