December 31, 2014

Happy New Year Blog Hop!

Hello sweet friends! Happy 2015! I hope you had a grand time ringing in the new year! 

I have teamed up with some great blogging friends to offer you a peak at some resources for the NEW YEAR!

Check out my January Common Core Aligned Literacy Centers! Perfect for 1st grade! It is on sale today - 20% off!

I also have the items below on sale today! In fact, my entire store is on sale on January 1, 2015.

I also have 2 freebies for you to help with that first day back! Click on the images below to grab them!

Hop on over to Primary Inspiration to continue along on this great New Year blog hop! Wishing you all the best in the new year :)

Primary Inspiration

Click on the picture above or click here
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December 13, 2014

12 Days of Christmas Sale

Don’t miss this exciting sale. Here is how it works - on the 1st day of the sale, you will find items marked down to $1. On the 2nd day, items will be discounted to $2 and so on up until day 12 where bundles will be discounted to $12 by some great teacher authors. 
Here is my product discounted to $1. Happy holidays!!!

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December 6, 2014

Holiday Bulletin Board

Happy holidays dear friends! Take a look at the bulletin board we made this week! My kiddos were so excited to make Olaf! They wanted to take them home the same day! They were sad when I collected them to put in the hallway but they love to look at them when we pass it on our way to lunch! 

I originally saw this pin on pinterest and fell in love! 
It is from Jenni at The Vintage Umbrella

I knew that I had to figure out to make these cuties! I really just followed the shapes that she made. I wish I had the awesome sticker eyes that she used! I just used a sharpie to make them. I precut all the pieces for my kiddos and had them follow my sample to assemble Olaf. Here is my sample...

But first, we read a book to get some ideas. We focused on the steps to build a snowman. This is the book that we read.

Afterwards, we recorded the steps to build a snowman during shared writing. The children enjoyed reading the steps out loud after we were finished.

And, drumroll, here is the finished product. So stinkin’ cute and the children are so proud of themselves!!

I hope you get inspired by the bulletin and want to make it with your class too! They will love it! 

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November 27, 2014

Leftover Recipe and VISA Gift Card Giveaway!

Hello friends! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Are you stuffed? Is your fridge stuffed with leftovers? Well I’ve joined up with my blog friends to offer you some solutions to all those leftovers! Of course there is a sweet dessert for you too! 


Just in time for all your holiday shopping! How awesome is that???

First, my leftover recipe. This recipe was inspired by girls who love sauce and cheese. So why not take that leftover turkey and cover it with the things they love? Super easy and delicious too! Check out just how easy below :)

And now enter to win that VISA GIFT CARD! Woot Woot! Enter below!!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And I am having a Black Friday sale over at TpT! I have 4 bundles on sale for 30% off today only! So get your shop on! You can enter BlackFriday14 into the search engine to find all the TpT sellers offering this amazing deal today! Check out my 4 bundles below by clicking on the image :)

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November 24, 2014

$1 Black Friday (&Saturday) Sale!!!

Hello friends! I hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving celebrating with family and friends. Were you up early shopping black Friday deals? Well, the deals below are good all day today and tomorrow AND you can stay in your pjs to get them! No braving the cold and crowds! AND EVERYTHING IS $1!!! Now that is a Black Friday deal :)

I am offering 4 great products because I love getting deals! Check them out below...

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November 16, 2014

Mrs. Dailey’s Birthday Bash - $1 Sale :)

Tons of teacher authors have teamed up to help Mrs. Daily celebrate her birthday with $1 deals! 

Here are the 3 goodies I have on sale to celebrate. All for $1 until the end of the day Tuesday, 11/18/14. Click on the pic to head on over to TpT. Check out all the great resources below that are on sale! Happy shopping :)


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October 29, 2014

Be Inspired Blog Hop & Giveaway

Hello sweet friends! I have linked up with some amazing bloggers to bring you a great blog hop & giveaway! Just follow the hop for some great teaching strategies and don’t forget to enter to win! You could win a $10 credit to my store!

One teaching strategy that works well for me in first grade stems from building a sense a community and friendship. When this is established, all children feel comfortable and responsible for their learning. How to do this? Well, there are lots of ways. You could:

1 - Create class jobs so everyone feels a part of the team

2 - Make sure everyone knows each other’s names. You would be surprised that some children refer to each other as “him” or “her”

3 - Have children address each other (and of course you) with full and complete sentences

4 - Be sure to give examples of how to be a good friend - from your own life - from what you see everyday. It is so funny to me how my class will sit with their mouths open when I tell them about ME :) or my triplets :) and remind me of the time that Emma....

5 - Celebrate all accomplishments whether large or small. I love teacher’s silly celebrations! Here is a link to the video so you can see how to do them! They are THE BEST so quick and easy and the kiddos LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM:)

Be sure to enter below for a chance to win! Follow us on the new social media site Have your heard of tsu (pronounced “sue”)? It is a great NEW WAY to connect with teachers and others! You can search by # to find what you are looking for :) Try #teacherfriends for great posts and links to blog posts and material!  It resembles Facebook features so the learning curve is quick. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out all the great bloggers bringing you AMAZING love below!

An InLinkz Link-up

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October 27, 2014

The Primary Gal’s $1 Birthday Bash

I’m so excited to help Amanda at the Primary Gal celebrate her birthday! I have marked down the 3 products below to just $1 in honor of the celebration! Head on over to TPT to pick them up. Then check out the links below for TONS OF $1 presents in honor of the Primary Gal! Have fun shopping :)


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October 24, 2014

Fall Favorites Blog Hop

Hello sweet friends! Thank you for stopping by to enjoy the FALL FAVORITES blog hop! I have a fun an easy craft for you to try - GLOW IN THE DARK NECKLACES!!! Ooohhh ahhh. I also have a freebie for you, a sale on all my fall themed products and a chance to win a product of your choice from my store! Wowza!

First, here are the directions to make the necklaces which are perfect for this time of year.

You will need: rigatoni pasta, gallon ziploc bags, acrylic paint in desired colors, GLOW IN THE DARK PAINT

Step 1 - Put pasta in bag, add drops of paint, seal and shake, shake, shake

Step 2 - Spread on a wax paper lined cookie tray (see pic)

Step 3 - Repeat for as many colors as you wish

Step 4 - Let dry (about 1 hour)

Step 5 - Put dried, colored pasta back into a ziploc bag. Add the GLOW IN THE DARK paint to the bag and shake! Let dry again.

Here is a close up of the glow in the dark paint. I got it at Michaels. It was $1.99 (without the coupon and teacher discount wink wink). This small bottle colored all the pasta you see in the pictures. Here is a link to paint GLOW IN THE DARK PAINT.

Ok, the macaroni does not come out glowing in the dark! You have to charge it up! We held a flashlight up to the necklace. Once we did that for several minutes - we got it to glow nicely! It was a lot of fun!

Would you like the activity to go with the necklace? Just click on the link above! Enjoy your treat :)

Here is another treat! All of my Fall/Halloween themed items will be 20% off for the next 3 days (October 25 - 27)!
Check them out below by clicking on the picture and heading over to TpT!

Be sure to enter below to win a treat from my store! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hop on over to the K T Teacher Tiff for more fall fun! Thank you for stopping by!
KTeacher Tiff

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