October 29, 2014

Be Inspired Blog Hop & Giveaway

Hello sweet friends! I have linked up with some amazing bloggers to bring you a great blog hop & giveaway! Just follow the hop for some great teaching strategies and don’t forget to enter to win! You could win a $10 credit to my store!

One teaching strategy that works well for me in first grade stems from building a sense a community and friendship. When this is established, all children feel comfortable and responsible for their learning. How to do this? Well, there are lots of ways. You could:

1 - Create class jobs so everyone feels a part of the team

2 - Make sure everyone knows each other’s names. You would be surprised that some children refer to each other as “him” or “her”

3 - Have children address each other (and of course you) with full and complete sentences

4 - Be sure to give examples of how to be a good friend - from your own life - from what you see everyday. It is so funny to me how my class will sit with their mouths open when I tell them about ME :) or my triplets :) and remind me of the time that Emma....

5 - Celebrate all accomplishments whether large or small. I love teacher tipster.com’s silly celebrations! Here is a link to the video so you can see how to do them! They are THE BEST so quick and easy and the kiddos LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj8f2R-dTAs

Be sure to enter below for a chance to win! Follow us on the new social media site https://www.tsu.co. Have your heard of tsu (pronounced “sue”)? It is a great NEW WAY to connect with teachers and others! You can search by # to find what you are looking for :) Try #teacherfriends for great posts and links to blog posts and material!  It resembles Facebook features so the learning curve is quick. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out all the great bloggers bringing you AMAZING love below!

An InLinkz Link-up

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  1. Thanks for the great blog hop! I love incorporating movement into lessons for my special ed students. It helps keep them engaged and awake. I have some students who are up a few hours each night and one who is so tired she tries to sleep in class sometimes!

  2. I think teaching strategies are extremely important. We spend a lot of time learning and practicing them with all of our subjects! Thank you for the giveaway and the links to tsu!
