August 1, 2014

Back to School BBQ Blog Hop

I’ve teamed up with some great blogging friends to bring you a back to school recipe! 

Have you heard of Jitter Juice? Well, on the first day of school, my kiddos enjoy a cup! 

Now, have you heard of the book First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg? Here is a pic!

Maybe you know this book or have seen it in the back to school bucket, bin or shelf. It is a great book to read on the first day of school especially since there is a fabulous RECIPE to go along with it! 

The main character in the story is very nervous about her first day of school. This alone could spark tons of conversations as your children relate to the text. Well, there is a surprise ending to this book too! You’ll have to read it to find out :)!  

Here is where the fun comes in! Introduce the poem below to your class. Tell them that it is okay to feel a bit jittery on the first day of school. This drink will help them feel better! You may decide to make the drink with the class. I always have it already made so there is a sense of magic to it! 

And now, the magic recipe! 

As you can see by the size of the cups, I don’t fill my kiddos up with this sugary treat! Just a small cup will do! You can make a graph afterwards to show how many students liked Jitter Juice and how many did not. Most children LOVE Jitter Juice :) It’s fun to watch them try to figure out what is in this recipe!

Would you like a FREE copy of the poem to use with your class? I put it in Google Docs for you! You can download it by clicking on the picture below :)

AND, how about a chance to win this back to school product from my store?

Great! It is super easy! Just enter the rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now head on over to Linda’s blog at Primary Inspiration for more fun recipes and giveaways! Click on the pic below :) 

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  1. Love the Jitter Juice! So cute :)

  2. I've made Jitter Juice for a couple years and the kids love it! Thank you for the freebie poem and chance to win your back to school product!

    1. Isn’t it a great activity Kim? Good luck with the giveaway :)

  3. Thank you for sharing your poem and I think we will be making Jitter Juice this year for sure!

    1. That’s great Donna! It will become a tradition every year for sure!

  4. We do Jitter Juice the first day each year!!! Love this!!!

  5. Love It! The jitter juice is great! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Back to School Work to do sounds like a great product. :)

  7. I read this every year and do the juice with my 5th GRADERS!! They love it, especially since my name is Sara so there in ANOTHER connection...

  8. I love reading First Grade Jitters with my kiddos. I can't wait to try the Jitter Juice!

  9. I just started following your blog and I'm so excited!!

  10. Thank you for participating in the Giveaway.
