January 16, 2014

Dr. Martin Luther King Day!

I wanted to add something new to our Martin Luther King study this year. I was inspired by a picture I saw on pinterest.  It is from Just Wild About Teaching's blog. She used it in a entirely different way. When I saw it, I immediately thought of MLK and how we are all different but the same and should all LOVE one another!  We had so much fun recreating the pic. Here it is! I hope my kiddies will remember it for years to come!  It led to a great discussion. I used chalk and made a heart on our carpet - gasp - (it came right off) :)

Afterwards, we made this ADORABLE project that the children really loved. It is from Reagan Tunstall's awesome product Winter Art and Writing over at TpT. Too cute! I loved how a photograph meant so much to my children. Definitely a keeper! Thank you Just Wild About Teaching and Reagain Tunstall!

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