June 29, 2015

I Reached a TpT Milestone :)

Yup that’s me up there jumping for joy! After two years sharing my work with others on Teachers Pay Teachers, I have hit a sales milestone! Uh-maz-ing!
So people ask me, how did you do? And the biggest question - how do you have the time to even make things for TpT? You have triplets for crying out loud!

Here’s the answer. It is not a secret. This is how I did it:

1 - I create material that I need for my own classroom. This is key for me. It is so much easier to make things, have my class test it out, and then put it up on TpT for other teachers to use. I don't force myself to think up new things. I don't jump on any band wagons. I just move along making things that I can use and need and guess what? Other teachers needed it too!

2 - My triplets do sleep! I do not! Haha! Lots of work done in the wee hours of the morning. Plus, my girls know all about TpT. They know I am working on “school stuff” on my laptop. They know being a teacher is hard work! They are my #1 supporters! Love them!

3 - I keep active on Facebook and with my blog. I collaborate with other teacher authors to share ideas and to motivate each other!

So, to say thank you for this big event! I am offering a paid product for FREE for just 1 week! So hurry up and grab it! 

Thank you for your support! You rock!

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June 15, 2015

Let’s Celebrate The Learning Chambers - Enter to Win!

I'm very excited to be joining some of my fabulous blogging friends to help Stephanie from The Learning Chambers celebrate 1,000 TpT and Instagram followers.  I mean look at all of the FABULOUS bloggers that are involved in this giveaway!!

To celebrate, we are giving one lucky follower an Amazon Gift Card worth $100!!  That is just in time for summer and it would definitely help purchase all of those books that you want to read this summer.

Make sure you enter the giveaway by entering in the rafflecopter below.  Good luck friends!  Fingers crossed!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

June 3, 2015

Pick 3 - June

I love this Father’s Day trophy and actually have been making it for quite a number of years now. This Pinterest link is actually to my post with directions on how to make it! I know many schools end before Father’s Day on June 19th. Here in the northeast, we go until the end of June so we always make a Father’s Day craft to send home.

I love this end of the year idea! I made them last year for my 1st grade team. They were a lot of work. I will say that. The hardest part was getting them to the right pixel to upload them to a photo place. You can’t just upload the jpeg that you make in Powerpoint. You have to resize it. I googled how to do it and used Katie’s from Little Warriors tips that were in her comment section on her blog post to figure it out. I used Costco because they were the least expensive at a 5x7 print for just 59 cents. 

This year, there are 98 1st graders! I don’t have the power to make almost 100 of these for my team so I am going to skip it. I will however, return to making these as they are a beautiful keep sake :) 

I wanted to include a great gift idea for teachers too! I saw this Pinterest pin last year and loved it so much! I went ahead and made them for my girls’ teachers! I changed it up a bit. The hardest part was finding the Amazon cards with the cute arrow that matched the font! They came in denominations that didn’t work for me. So I had to put two together! I think it came out great! The pic below is just 1 of the 3 that I made for their teachers! 

Head on over to other great link ups below. I hope you found these 3 pins helpful! 

If you are out for the summer, enjoy! I go to the very end of June! 

Be sure to stop by next month :)

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