March 31, 2015

Happy April Fool's Day!

Inspired by the post from this website - 
I quickly whipped up some brownies for my firsties today for April Fool's Day! So much fun! 
Of course, I didn't have the time to bake homemade brownies AND my brownies NEVER come out of the pan nicely! So I ran to the supermarket on my prep and had my good friend Debbie help me out! 
Here are the two trays of brownies side by side! I covered both with aluminum foil and had my lovelies work hard all day to earn them! Of course, I played it up and I picked a volunteer to pass out a napkin to everyone. They quickly unfolded their napkins and were smacking their lips for the delicious brownies. I played it up even more by washing my hands before I touched the treat! 
The look on the boys and girls faces when I passed out the BROWN Es was priceless! Sooo funny! They had no idea what I was up to until I yelled "APRIL FOOL'S!" I still had to help them understand it! They were so cute when they figured it out and had a good laugh! Then of course I passed out their real brownies cause I'm nice like that LOL!  

March 29, 2015

Spring in Our Step Linky and Giveaway

I can’t wait for Easter! A true spring celebration! Each year, I make the peep cake above! That is a picture of the one I made last year! My girls and I love to search for all the different colored peeps! This year, we got white - the mystery flavor - ohh ahhh! This cake is super easy to make (ala Betty Crocker) and super fun to decorate!

Check out the first day of spring in my town! Yup! It snowed! One week later, and they are predicting snow again! Will spring every get here? Spring, please find your way to New York!
I love this time of year in my classroom! It is when the children are really starting to “get it”. They are growing up. They are becoming more mature. They are blossoming both academically and socially just like the season itself!
Check out the great spring products below. Click below to head over see all my spring related products on TpT!

And finally, a freebie for Earth Day! Enjoy!

You’ve made it this far! Don’t forget to enter below for a chance to win a FABULOUS prize! Check out the links below to other great blog friends who what to share their Spring in Our Step post with you! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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March 15, 2015

iTeach First Collaborative Blog and a Giveaway!!

I have a very exciting announcement to make! 
I have decided to team up with some of my very best first grade buddies to write for a collaborative blog! 
That means ONE blog with TONS of great ideas from several super awesome First Grade teachers!

One thing I L-O-V-E about this blog, is you will know exactly what to expect each day of the week.  For every day, there is a blogging theme.  Check them out! 

I'm SO excited to get started on this new adventure, and am thrilled to invite you along for the ride.  Let's celebrate with a little giveaway!  

You can win my Spring Print and Go Pack! It is full of awesome spring themed and math printables. Perfect for center time, classwork, or homework! Click on the pic below to read the description over at TpT :)

All you have to do to enter is follow us over at iTeachFirst then follow the instructions

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Can't wait to get started sharing some great First Grade ideas with you! 

Check out all the great iTeach bloggers and enter their giveaways below!

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March 3, 2015

Pick 3 - March :)

I love this leprechaun! I have actually made him for many years now. The kiddos love making his beard by snipping with a scissor!

Again, I have made this many many times with my K students. In first grade, I have to hold up a sample of the one I made while teaching K b/c we never have enough time to make them! The kiddos are so sad and WANT to make them! We concentrate more on the poem in first :)

This little gem is a new find! Who would have thought! I love this idea! I am going to pass it onto my wonderful art teacher just in case I can’t squeeze it in!

Check out more awesome MARCH ideas below! Thank you for stopping by :)

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