February 23, 2015

Teachers are Heroes Sale - What’s In My Cart?

It is finally here! The BIG TPT sale! This is the day that I’ve been waiting for! I have a HUGE wish list! Oh course, there is a lot of clipart on it - so I can make new and fabulous products. But there is also things that I LOVE, that I WANT, and that I MUST HAVE for my first graders! 
Here they are: 

I love this set from the Moffit Girls! The writing checklist on the side - adore it. The cues on the bottom of the paper - love it! This would be perfect for our writing center during guided reading time. It can be done independently and fits the needs of all learners! If there was an April, May, and June one out, I’d buy them too! Just $4 but during the sale, LESS, a true bargain!

Next purchase, this Nonfiction Easy Reader from Tara West. I am always in search of new guided reading books to keep my kiddos interest. These seem perfect. There are 3 levels to meet the needs of all of my readers and a fact sheet for them to read and record their own fact at the end. I hope they print out ok in black and white :) The pictures are beautiful!

And yes, I do use Reading A-Z for some of my guided reading readers. I have been making my own follow up activities for them (usually in the wee hours of the morning). Umm, what was I thinking? Of course this has been done for me. Right into the cart!

Are you curious as to what others may be purchasing? Check out the bloggers below who are also getting their shop on for the Teachers Pay Teachers sale this Wednesday 2/25/15!

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February 8, 2015

1,000 Follower Celebration!

Hello sweet friends! Guess what? Today has been an awesome day! As I was making and printing out literacy stations for my kiddos early this morning (as my family soundly slept all nestled in their beds), my good friend Shanon over at OCD in First sent me a Facebook message. Do you know what it said? 


I had to read it 3x because I have been trying to get into the newsletter for a LONG LONG LONG time! So long, that I stopped checking each week to see if I made it! So it was cool that Shanon was the one to tell me! So thank you Shanon for a very exciting day!


I reached 1,000 TpT followers today!

So to celebrate this


I am giving away a $25 TpT gift certificate! 
Just enter the rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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February 2, 2015

February Pick 3

It it time for the February Pick 3! I have linked up with other great blogging buddies to bring you 3 of my favorite pinterest pins for February! And here they are :)

I love Heidi from Heidi Songs! She is a true genius when it comes to getting children to learn their sight words. I have been using her videos for about 4 years now with amazing success! My students LOVE her and LOVE the songs she uses to remember each sight word! Check out her website here http://www.heidisongs.com

I LOVE LOVE LOVE her secret sight word surprise activity! Perfect for centers! You just need to use a white crayon to write the sight word. Children then use watercolors to reveal the word! This is always a very popular and fun center! Heidi offers these sheets for FREE FREE FREE and them for many holidays.

I love this Abraham Lincoln from A Day in First Grade. I have dreamed about making him! About getting the white paper from the huge roll in our art room. Measuring carefully a full 6 feet 4inches (which is 76 inches or 2 yard sticks long with 4 additional inches). Rolling it up oh so gingerly and bringing it home. Then unrolling it on my kitchen floor as I chase my dog and little ones off of it. I know I can draw him free hand from just this pic! I know I can! So, I am going to do it! I can’t wait to display him outside my classroom door once my firsties measure up against him! I am so excited to see their faces. To see them “get it” with an awesome visual! Thank you A Day in First Grade for the inspiration :)

Since I am already making Abe, why not make this as well? LOVE this! So doing it! So hanging them from my classroom ceiling! So going to try to save them for next year!

Thanks for checking in with me for February’s Pick 3! Check out some more fabulous picks below!

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